October 16, 2017
The Nice Guy and the Jerk

Are you sick of having to choose between the same types of guys? On the far left end, you have the lovable loser 'nice guy' You know, the one that is so sweet to you and says all the nice things you've always wanted to hear, calls you six times a day, cries on your […]

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October 13, 2017
What Women Want in a Man

Do you know what women want in a man? It can be ridiculously confusing since most women say what women want in a man is exactly the opposite of what they tend to be attracted to. On a fundamental level, what women want in a man is someone who is in control of himself and […]

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October 13, 2017
Stop Negative Thinking

Oftentimes, the only one getting in the way of successful relationships is ourselves. Negative thinking affects us all. For example, you may believe some of the following: " I'm not attractive enough to get that person." "You're an idiot. You're going to fail." "You remember what happened last time you tried? You're going to fail." […]

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October 13, 2017
Screen Women

Most men, even players who are good with women, don't qualify or screen women to meet any kind of standards other than physical attractiveness. It's important to screen women to fit your criteria for three reasons. 1. It says all the right things about you when you screen women. She will see clearly that you […]

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October 12, 2017
What Women Like in Men

There are so many things in what women like in men, that the list could go on forever. When figuring out what's most important in what women like in men, you should focus on the first time she sees you, since oftentimes, you won't get a second chance if you make a bad impression. As […]

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October 12, 2017
How to Reframe a Limiting Belief

During your path to success at dating, you will endure a serious growing pain called a limiting belief. It is unavoidable, but as long as you don't let a limiting belief hold you back, you will eventually excel. It helps considerably to learn to reframe a limiting belief, especially when you are feeling low. First, […]

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October 10, 2017
Creating Connection

Once you have a woman attracted to you, it's often not enough to get her to see you again. By not creating connection, she will just see you as the random cute guy who gave her validation one night. Some people feel that once she is attracted to you, this is the time to get […]

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October 10, 2017
Steve's Transformation

The following is a case study of a former student of mine who did dating coaching with me in 2009. This is Steve's story: Steve's Transformation: It all started when I saw Dan Silverman on MTV's MADE in the Ladies' Man episode with Richard. I saw him change that poor kid from an introverted Eagle […]

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October 10, 2017
Inner Game Tips: How to Develop Confidence with Women

If you are looking to improve your inner game with women, follow these top 5 tips and you will build real, genuine self-confidence in ways that women will notice! Inner Game Tip 1: Create an exercise regimen and eat healthy. One of the greatest things you can do for your inner game is to exercise […]

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October 10, 2017
Inner Game: Recognizing Negative Thoughts

Anxiety with women, particularly with approaching women you've never met before, is the biggest challenge most men face when they are trying to improve their inner game. It can cause high stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and leave you feeling drained at the end of the night. When tackling your approach anxiety, you have to begin […]

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October 10, 2017
Getting Over a Broken Heart

In November, I went through a hard breakup with my former girlfriend that totally changed my life. After two and a half years of living with each other and always being together, I was single again. It was a tough transition and I know many of you have come to me because you just got […]

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October 10, 2017
Anxiety with Women: Nature vs. Nurture

This article was written by my former client, Tony V. Enjoy. I want to talk about a topic that's been beaten to death somewhat. But I feel I need to get my point of view out there and shed some light on the topic of approach anxiety and anxiety with women in general. The most […]

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October 10, 2017
Self Esteem with Women and Reframing Limiting Beliefs

This article was written by my former client, Tony V. Enjoy. I've decided to talk about a topic that completely changed my self esteem with women when I first started getting into this game. I think that when you break it down, our entire society, self esteem with women, and even our reality as a […]

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October 10, 2017
Inner Game: What is it? Part 2

This article was written by my former client, Tony V. Enjoy. Most dating gurus advocate handling your approach anxiety and inner game by working on your outer game first. Dan Silverman refers to this as the "Outside-In Approach." Gurus state that confidence will come by developing high competency in approaching women. Once you've done it […]

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October 10, 2017
Inner Game: What is it? Part 1

This article was written by my former client, Tony V. Enjoy. When I sat down to write this article for my good friend and dating coach Dan Silverman, the first question I asked myself is, "What exactly is inner game?" Oh, sure, I've seen the term thrown around enough and I'm sure many people reading […]

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October 10, 2017
Approach Dating The Right Way

So, how do we approach dating? Maybe you have been single for way too long or you just broke up from a long-term relationship and want to get back into the market. The first thing you should do is some soul searching. You could also seek the help of a dating coach. You must approach […]

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October 10, 2017
Asking a Guy Out

Best ways for women to ask out a guy I was recently asked a question from a reader about asking a guy out. She wrote: "I was reading about your company, the dating coach thing.. so for some free advise..should a girl ever ask a guy out on a second date or just wait and […]

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October 10, 2017
Inner Game: Reframing Limiting Beliefs

When you approach a beautiful woman and you feel anxiety, it doesn't help to tell yourself that you are the prize and that you are a catch to women while you grit your teeth and clench your fists in fear. If you don't believe what you're saying, you won't ever improve. You can't just cover […]

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October 10, 2017
Anxiety with Women: Why We Fear Approaching Women

Have you ever been to a club or a store, see a beautiful woman you'd like to meet, and feel an instant intense fear of approaching her? You're not alone. Anxiety with women you'd like to meet is the most common problem I come across with clients. This anxiety with women is also known as […]

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October 10, 2017
Destroy Approach Anxiety

It can be pretty terrifying to approach a beautiful woman you haven't met before and try to get a date with her. This fear can cause us to creep her out or worse, not approach her at all. You can learn all the fancy pick up lines and techniques you want, but what good is […]

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October 10, 2017
Inner Coaching: Affirmations

Many people listen to affirmation tapes to improve their confidence and inner game. Inner coaching helps them incorporate powerful positive beliefs into their mind. An example of an affirmation is Women love it when I approach them or I am a prize and a catch to women. However, most people do not find success with […]

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October 9, 2017
Invincible Inner Game: 3 Positive Mindsets of Confidence

Invincible inner game is achievable with the right mindsets. Most men have the wrong kind of mindsets. They say to themselves, œWomen find me unattractive, I'm afraid of bothering women if I approach them, or I take rejection personally. If you constantly say these things to yourself or worry about them, they become truer in […]

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October 9, 2017
Speed Dating Tips for Women

If you've ever thought about attending a speed dating event, let me give you some great speed dating tips for women before you decide to sign up for one. I wrote a speed dating tips for women list for anyone interested in attending a speed dating event. Enjoy! Speed Dating Tip 1: Don't Dump Your […]

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October 9, 2017
Overcoming Shyness

Sometimes you just don't feel like going out, or maybe most the time you feel this way, but you know you have to in order to overcome shyness. Force yourself to go out. This paralyzing feeling is associated with years of negative conditioning. You may have spent your entire life feeling anxious as a reaction […]

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October 9, 2017
Haters and Negative People

I'll tell you, these past couple of months have been very hard for me. I notice that my life and business are seeing a lot more success, but at the same time, there is a lot more negativity and hate coming in a lot of different directions. Much more than I'm used to handling. I'm […]

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October 9, 2017
Stop Overthinking

In the last dating seminar I hosted, I received a good question from a student. He asked, "Sometimes when I'm out meeting women, my mind goes a million miles an hour and I can't stop overthinking. I keep overthinking about what I should say next, what I should have done, and I'm stuck in my […]

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October 9, 2017
Understanding Men

After the last newsletter I sent answering a reader email, I received a ton of new questions. A whole bunch of those emails shared a similar question about understanding guys, but they went something like: "How do I make a guy ¦ (fill in the blank) Understanding guys questions: How do I make a guy […]

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October 9, 2017
How to Overcome Shyness with Men

I recently received an email from a reader and it was just one sentence! She asked: How do I not act shy around the guy I like? Actually, I get asked how to overcome shyness with guys by many women. I could go on teaching you body language techniques, conversational topics, etc. to cover up […]

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October 9, 2017
Speed Dating Tips For Men

If you've ever thought about attending a speed dating event, let me give you some great advice before you decide to sign up for one. I wrote a speed dating tips list for anyone interested in attending a speed dating event. Enjoy! Speed Dating Tip 1: Don't Brag “ Confidence is the ultimate aphrodisiac for […]

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October 9, 2017
How To Control Your Fear Of Approaching Women

There she is sitting by the bar with two of her friends. She's gorgeous. You really want to approach her and try to get her number. You've been doing so much reading and studying material on how to open and build attraction. You have the perfect thing to say. A few seconds after you notice […]

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October 9, 2017
How Long To Wait To Have Sex With A Guy

It can be hard finding the right balance between when you should begin having sex or if you should wait longer. Especially with so many awful dating coaches and dating books out there saying all kinds of mainstream rhetoric. Let me tell you from a man's point of view who understands men on a very […]

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October 9, 2017
What To Talk About With A Guy

There is nothing sexier than a woman who knows how to hold a great conversation and genuinely connect with a man. Usually, you can let the man take the lead in the beginning. Hopefully he is a great communicator. If he is, you'll need to be able to keep up with him. Don't stay quiet the whole […]

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October 9, 2017
How To Get A Guy To Notice You

It can be hard to get a guy to notice you by approaching him at a party or work. Society tells us that women are not supposed to approach men first and it is really unfortunate that most women follow this unwritten rule. However, this doesn't mean that you are powerless to go after the […]

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October 9, 2017
How To Find Mr. Right

When women come to me for relationship advice on how to find Mr. Right, many times they say something along the lines of the following: Where are all the great guys? I can't seem to meet any. It seems like all I meet are losers or guys that just don't do it for me. I […]

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October 7, 2017
Chick Logic

Before reading this, understand that most of my statements are generalizations and do not apply to all women. I hope this doesn't anger the hundreds of women reading this, but someone's got to talk about it. This applies, for the most part, with younger, more immature women. However, I have met many older women who […]

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October 7, 2017
Staying Motivated To Improve Socially

You've finally made up your mind to stay motivated, and you are now committed to doing anything it takes to get the social aspect of your life under your control. That's great! In order to reach any goal in your life, you must find a way of staying motivated all the way until you achieve […]

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October 7, 2017
Why Men Stop Calling

Have you ever gone through a process where you are seeing a guy, but for some reason, he stops calling or doesn't put anymore effort into progressing things with you? You wonder why men stop calling you. This is actually quite common. I hear many women complain to me, Dan, I don't like to give out […]

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October 7, 2017
Emotionally Stimulating Conversation

Many of my clients ask me - How do I make a girl comfortable to see me? How do I convince a girl to meet up with me? How do I build a connection with a girl? What should I say? All of these questions can be answered in a single sentence. Engage their emotional […]

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October 7, 2017
Playing Hard to Get With A Man

If you have read The Rules, this article is especially for you. Intuitively, you understand that men need challenge in their lives, and the harder they work to get you, the more they value you. So your whole life, you've been told that playing hard to get with a man is the key to attracting […]

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May 9, 2017
Staying Committed to Your Goals

You've finally made up your mind and you are now committed to doing anything it takes to get the social aspect of your life under your control.  That's great!  In order to reach any goal in your life, you must be committed all the way until you achieve it.  The way I see it, there […]

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May 9, 2017
Why Nice Guys Finish Last

Yes, deep down inside, we all know nice guys finish last.  The good news is that you don't have to be a complete asshole to be successful with women either.  It is possible to be nice to women, without gaining the nice guy label.  Here are a few simple rules to follow: Avoid doing anything […]

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May 9, 2017
What Women Really Want

Women want a man who is in control of himself and his reality.  A man with no insecurities. A man who is comfortable in his own skin and in hers.  A man who knows what he wants and how to get it.  A man who knows what to say, when to say, and how to […]

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May 9, 2017
Looking Your Best

This article was written by an ex girlfriend who was a brilliant fashion consultant for my business. I thought I would re-share it: "Clothes don't make a man, but clothes have gotten many a man a good job." - Herbert Harold Vreeland After years of studying design and training my eye to see things that […]

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May 9, 2017
Looks VS Personality

A woman's looks are very important to men. It is easy to think that women are just the same. After all, women always say they want a good looking guy. Although looks never hurt and obviously help a guy get women, it is not the make or break factor in being attractive.  I know guys […]

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January 27, 2017
The Top 4 Reasons Why Successful Women Fail at Dating

Have you noticed the trend that many successful women have a lot of trouble when it comes to finding a husband? Many try to enlist the help of a matchmaker to find them someone, but even then, they have trouble with the dates they are set up on. Financially successful women have it really good […]

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November 3, 2015
How to Match.com (Part 2)

Part 2 of my "How to Match.com" videos. In this video, I focus more on Men's online dating profiles.

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October 27, 2015
Dating Coaching with Matt

Andrew sends his friend, Matt, for an interview that turns into a dating coaching session. Let's see if I can help Matt through his obstacles and become more social.

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October 19, 2015
Insights Into The Dating Coaching and Matchmaking Industry

This time, Andrew The Private Man interviews me in order to probe the secrets and differences between the genders in the matchmaking and dating coaching industry.

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October 12, 2015
Where Are All The Older Single Men?

In this video, I interview Andrew The Private Man, a popular blogger in the South Florida area who mostly writes for post-divorce men in their 40s and 50s. I ask him a common question I get from women in their 40s and 50s, WHERE ARE ALL THE SINGLE MEN? Watch and hear his perspective.

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October 5, 2015
How To Match.com (Part 1)

New video on how to choose good profile pictures. This video is mostly for women but guys can learn something too.

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September 28, 2015
Vlog: How To Make Eye Contact (Parody)

Yaidany teaches us how to make eye contact with women in the supermarket with help from the masters at Expert Village.

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September 21, 2015
Vlog: Day In My Life

Decided to make a new video for my channel. Enjoy the comedy.

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June 27, 2015
Women's Matchmaking 3 Tips

Have you noticed the trend that many successful women have a lot of trouble when it comes to finding a husband? Many try to enlist the help of a matchmaker to find them someone, but even then, they have trouble with the dates they are set up on. Financially successful women have it really good […]

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February 10, 2014
What to Do on Valentine's Day

Were you wondering what to do for Valentine's Day this year? Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend you want to do something for or are you single wondering how to celebrate? In this article, I'm going to give you some Valentine's Day tips so you can make the best of this special holiday. Firstly, […]

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February 6, 2014
Don't Listen to Harmful Dating Advice

Don't listen to harmful dating advice! Just because it's written in a very popular magazine, your best friend, or mom who you trust with your life says it, doesn't mean it's true. Worthless dating advice generally comes from popular commercial magazines like Cosmo, close, well-intended, but ignorant single friends, and your mother who thinks you […]

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January 30, 2014
Do Looks Matter to Men

The short answer to "do looks matter to men" is yes. The average man will not court you unless he is physically attracted to you, no matter how amazing of a person you are. Guys are hardwired to respond to curves and a feminine, healthy appearance. It's in a man's genes to mate with a […]

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January 28, 2014
How to Screen Men for Relationships

Many women have trouble screening men for relationships. Some unfortunate women date jerks, abusive, or loser guys their whole lives. Others just don't know if the guy they are dating is right for them. If you are having this problem, you are lucky you stumbled upon this article. I will give you some specific tips […]

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January 22, 2014
How to Plan a First Date

So you met a girl you really like, you asked her out on a date, and surprisingly, she said "yes"! Now what are you going to do? How will you plan a first date? Well, have no fear, the Miami Matchmaker and dating coach is here to help teach you how to plan a first […]

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April 4, 2013
Matchmaker Ft. Lauderdale

Matchmaking in Fort Lauderdale is far easier than matchmaking in miami. The people in Fort Lauderdale seem to be a lot less superficial and easygoing. Not to say the city doesn't have it's fair share of superficiality, but for the most part, there are a lot of quality singles that aren't really that into the […]

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