How to Overcome Shyness with Men

October 9, 2017
Dan Silverman

I recently received an email from a reader and it was just one sentence! She asked: How do I not act shy around the guy I like? Actually, I get asked how to overcome shyness with guys by many women. I could go on teaching you body language techniques, conversational topics, etc. to cover up your shyness, but this will not fix the real problem. It would only treat the symptoms of a deeper issue, which is your inner game. What's inner game? It's how confident you are around men. It is the sum of your beliefs and perceptions about yourself and men. If you have a lot of insecurities, you'll always feel that embarrassed emotion around men. Sometimes you could push a man away altogether, and it's not because he doesn't like you, but that the fear makes you avoid him. If you believe that men are pigs, can't be trusted, that you'll get your heart broken if you open up to a man, or that you aren't good enough, pretty enough, popular enough, or think you'll get rejected or think that people will think you're socially awkward, you will communicate this in your body language and actions, and men will pick up on it. These kind of beliefs could prevent a great guy from getting to know the real you. Insecurity is something you don't have to live with either. Some women think they are unattractive no matter how beautiful they actually are, are worried about what other people think about them, are worried what friends will think, and worry about what guys think. Imagine if you could let go of all that stress and not give a crap about what others think. This is how to overcome shyness with guys. You can't love someone else in a fulfilling relationship until you love yourself first. Overcoming your insecurities and negative beliefs is how to overcome shyness with guys. We can talk more about this over phone dating coaching. So if you're interested in getting over your insecurities or negative limiting beliefs about men, sign up and I promise I'll help you.

Your Matchmaker and Dating Coach,
Dan Silverman

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