What Women Really Want

May 9, 2017
Dan Silverman
Women want a man who is in control of himself and his reality.  A man with no insecurities. A man who is comfortable in his own skin and in hers.  A man who knows what he wants and how to get it.  A man who knows what to say, when to say, and how to say it. Women generally do not know how to express what they want in a guy.  You often hear them say things like, "I want a guy that can make me laugh."  Women don't date clowns though.  You hear them say, "I want a nice guy who treats me like a princess."  Yet women always seem to go for the assholes and never give guys who are nice to them a chance. Women are trying to think logically when they talk about what they look for, but their emotions attract them to something totally different.  When a woman talks about what they want in a guy, they are imagining a guy they are already attracted to.  They describe characteristics about the guy that they wish they could change.  Remember that women are always out there looking for the wild warrior and trying to tame him with the strength of their feminine heart.  Most romance novels are written in this fashion.  That is the feminine mission and their challenge in life.  Provide that for them, but don't ever become tame or else her mission is over and she will venture to find new and more exciting opportunities. I see this far too frequently once a guy settles down into a relationship.  Many men think the game is over after that.  The game is never over, so don't get lazy if you want to keep that wonderful woman in your life.
Dan Silverman,
The Miami Matchmaker and Dating Coach
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