Match Making Miami

The Nice Guy and the Jerk

nice guy and tge jerk

Are you sick of having to choose between the same types of guys? On the far left end, you have the lovable loser ‘nice guy’ You know, the one that is so sweet to you and says all the nice things you’ve always wanted to hear, calls you six times a day, cries on your […]

Getting Over a Broken Heart

getting over broken heart

In November, I went through a hard breakup with my former girlfriend that totally changed my life. After two and a half years of living with each other and always being together, I was single again. It was a tough transition and I know many of you have come to me because you just got […]

Approach Dating The Right Way

how to approach dating

So, how do we approach dating? Maybe you have been single for way too long or you just broke up from a long-term relationship and want to get back into the market. The first thing you should do is some soul searching. You could also seek the help of a dating coach. You must approach […]

Asking a Guy Out

Women Date Coaching

Best ways for women to ask out a guy I was recently asked a question from a reader about asking a guy out. She wrote: “I was reading about your company, the dating coach thing.. so for some free advise..should a girl ever ask a guy out on a second date or just wait and […]

Speed Dating Tips for Women

speed dating tips women

If you’ve ever thought about attending a speed dating event, let me give you some great speed dating tips for women before you decide to sign up for one. I wrote a speed dating tips for women list for anyone interested in attending a speed dating event. Enjoy! Speed Dating Tip 1: Don’t Dump Your […]

Understanding Men

understanding men

After the last newsletter I sent answering a reader email, I received a ton of new questions. A whole bunch of those emails shared a similar question about understanding guys, but they went something like: “How do I make a guy ¦ (fill in the blank) Understanding guys questions: How do I make a guy […]

How to Overcome Shyness with Men

overcoming shyness with men

I recently received an email from a reader and it was just one sentence! She asked: How do I not act shy around the guy I like? Actually, I get asked how to overcome shyness with guys by many women. I could go on teaching you body language techniques, conversational topics, etc. to cover up […]

How Long To Wait To Have Sex With A Guy

women sleeping men

It can be hard finding the right balance between when you should begin having sex or if you should wait longer. Especially with so many awful dating coaches and dating books out there saying all kinds of mainstream rhetoric. Let me tell you from a man’s point of view who understands men on a very […]

What To Talk About With A Guy

what to talk to with guys

There is nothing sexier than a woman who knows how to hold a great conversation and genuinely connect with a man. Usually, you can let the man take the lead in the beginning. Hopefully he is a great communicator. If he is, you’ll need to be able to keep up with him. Don’t stay quiet the whole […]

How To Get A Guy To Notice You

get a guy to notice you

It can be hard to get a guy to notice you by approaching him at a party or work. Society tells us that women are not supposed to approach men first and it is really unfortunate that most women follow this unwritten rule. However, this doesn’t mean that you are powerless to go after the […]