Match Making Miami

Haters and Negative People

Mens Date Coaching

I’ll tell you, these past couple of months have been very hard for me. I notice that my life and business are seeing a lot more success, but at the same time, there is a lot more negativity and hate coming in a lot of different directions. Much more than I’m used to handling. I’m […]

Stop Overthinking

overthinking dating

In the last dating seminar I hosted, I received a good question from a student. He asked, “Sometimes when I’m out meeting women, my mind goes a million miles an hour and I can’t stop overthinking. I keep overthinking about what I should say next, what I should have done, and I’m stuck in my […]

Speed Dating Tips For Men

speed dating tips - men

If you’ve ever thought about attending a speed dating event, let me give you some great advice before you decide to sign up for one. I wrote a speed dating tips list for anyone interested in attending a speed dating event. Enjoy! Speed Dating Tip 1: Don’t Brag “ Confidence is the ultimate aphrodisiac for […]

How To Control Your Fear Of Approaching Women

dating advice

There she is sitting by the bar with two of her friends. She’s gorgeous. You really want to approach her and try to get her number. You’ve been doing so much reading and studying material on how to open and build attraction. You have the perfect thing to say. A few seconds after you notice […]

Chick Logic

chick logic

Before reading this, understand that most of my statements are generalizations and do not apply to all women. I hope this doesn’t anger the hundreds of women reading this, but someone’s got to talk about it. This applies, for the most part, with younger, more immature women. However, I have met many older women who […]

Staying Motivated To Improve Socially

stay healthy mentally

You’ve finally made up your mind to stay motivated, and you are now committed to doing anything it takes to get the social aspect of your life under your control. That’s great! In order to reach any goal in your life, you must find a way of staying motivated all the way until you achieve […]

Emotionally Stimulating Conversation

emotionally stimulating dates

Many of my clients ask me – How do I make a girl comfortable to see me? How do I convince a girl to meet up with me? How do I build a connection with a girl? What should I say? All of these questions can be answered in a single sentence. Engage their emotional […]

Staying Committed to Your Goals

relationship goals

You’ve finally made up your mind and you are now committed to doing anything it takes to get the social aspect of your life under your control.  That’s great!  In order to reach any goal in your life, you must be committed all the way until you achieve it.  The way I see it, there […]

Why Nice Guys Finish Last

dating Advice & Tips

Yes, deep down inside, we all know nice guys finish last.  The good news is that you don’t have to be a complete asshole to be successful with women either.  It is possible to be nice to women, without gaining the nice guy label.  Here are a few simple rules to follow: Avoid doing anything […]

What Women Really Want

what women want in a man

Women want a man who is in control of himself and his reality.  A man with no insecurities. A man who is comfortable in his own skin and in hers.  A man who knows what he wants and how to get it.  A man who knows what to say, when to say, and how to […]