Match Making Miami

The Nice Guy and the Jerk

nice guy and tge jerk

Are you sick of having to choose between the same types of guys? On the far left end, you have the lovable loser ‘nice guy’ You know, the one that is so sweet to you and says all the nice things you’ve always wanted to hear, calls you six times a day, cries on your […]

What Women Want in a Man

What Woman want in a man

Do you know what women want in a man? It can be ridiculously confusing since most women say what women want in a man is exactly the opposite of what they tend to be attracted to. On a fundamental level, what women want in a man is someone who is in control of himself and […]

Stop Negative Thinking

Stop Negative Thinking

Oftentimes, the only one getting in the way of successful relationships is ourselves. Negative thinking affects us all. For example, you may believe some of the following: ” I’m not attractive enough to get that person.” “You’re an idiot. You’re going to fail.” “You remember what happened last time you tried? You’re going to fail.” […]

Screen Women

Screen Woman

Most men, even players who are good with women, don’t qualify or screen women to meet any kind of standards other than physical attractiveness. It’s important to screen women to fit your criteria for three reasons. 1. It says all the right things about you when you screen women. She will see clearly that you […]

What Women Like in Men

What Woman Like in Men

There are so many things in what women like in men, that the list could go on forever. When figuring out what’s most important in what women like in men, you should focus on the first time she sees you, since oftentimes, you won’t get a second chance if you make a bad impression. As […]

How to Reframe a Limiting Belief

Reframing a limiting belief

During your path to success at dating, you will endure a serious growing pain called a limiting belief. It is unavoidable, but as long as you don’t let a limiting belief hold you back, you will eventually excel. It helps considerably to learn to reframe a limiting belief, especially when you are feeling low. First, […]

Creating Connection

creating a connection

Once you have a woman attracted to you, it’s often not enough to get her to see you again. By not creating connection, she will just see you as the random cute guy who gave her validation one night. Some people feel that once she is attracted to you, this is the time to get […]

Steve’s Transformation

Steves Image Transformation

The following is a case study of a former student of mine who did dating coaching with me in 2009. This is Steve’s story: Steve’s Transformation: It all started when I saw Dan Silverman on MTV’s MADE in the Ladies’ Man episode with Richard. I saw him change that poor kid from an introverted Eagle […]

Inner Game Tips: How to Develop Confidence with Women

Confidence with women

If you are looking to improve your inner game with women, follow these top 5 tips and you will build real, genuine self-confidence in ways that women will notice! Inner Game Tip 1: Create an exercise regimen and eat healthy. One of the greatest things you can do for your inner game is to exercise […]

Inner Game: Recognizing Negative Thoughts

Dating Advice - negative Thoughts

Anxiety with women, particularly with approaching women you’ve never met before, is the biggest challenge most men face when they are trying to improve their inner game. It can cause high stress, anxiety, fear, depression, and leave you feeling drained at the end of the night. When tackling your approach anxiety, you have to begin […]